Saturday, March 22, 2008

Bevery stands for beverage


I miss my young delusional* days of being in love with this fellow on the right:

*I say delusional because he's always been creepy. I guess that image was skewed because his music was so good. Once.
New album soon though, apparently. Maybe he'll shave. At least Beardo Cuomo was entertaining. I think I still have that Guitar World interview where he called his fans "little bitches" somewhere.
I've been talking about this band too much lately. It's the nostalgia.
In memoriam,

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I haven't done this in a really long time. I haven't been posting here that much lately. Two plus two is four.

Alright, the mix is in CD form this time around. I think it's from late 2003/early 2004. I know that because one of the artists played Call the Office at the time and I cried because I couldn't go.

I'm glad I still listen to most of the stuff I find on these things.

1. Ambulance Vs. Ambulance- THE BLOOD BROTHERS

I'm still pissed that I managed to miss every opportunity to see them before they broke up. I wanted to (and I guess still want to) be in a band like this so badly.

2. Hairspray Suppository- THE LOCUST

They're the ones that played CTO in early 2004. I think Paterson and I were supposed to go, but I was a prick and didn't want to go with her because I didn't believe she was into them. Haha. Really, prick.

3. I Used To Hate Cell Phones But Now I Hate Car Accidents- NORMA JEAN

I never got heavily into NJ, but I remember loving this. They sound so different now.

4. Closed Hands- SAETIA

Saetia were one of my favourite bands when I was younger. Even when I was only listening to nerdy dude rock, I still had A Retrospective on all the time. And I never pronounced their name correctly.

5. Drain the Blood- THE DISTILLERS

Whatever, everyone loves the Distillers. Even if they're a bit shit.

6. This Is Our Emergency- PRETTY GIRLS MAKE GRAVES

This was another band I took advantage of and never took the chance to see live.

7. And you know... - THE GOSSIP

Before their dance days! I definitely remember them playing CTO in the summer of 2003, and being really pissed off because I wasn't allowed to go. It's still really weird to me how huge Beth Ditto is now in the UK media.

8. Jet Black New Year- THURSDAY

I remember finally getting to see this performed live in 2006, and it brought back so many memories.

9. Your Touch Versus Death- EVERY TIME I DIE

Oh, so long ago.

10. Pink Tarantulas- THE BLOOD BROTHERS

Favourite b-side!


I never got into these guys, I think I only listened to them because Steve from Hot Hot Heat was wearing their t shirt. Is that something to admit? Probably not.

12. Murders In The Rue Morgue- IN FLAMES

I'm not owning up to this. This was an accident. Hahaha. Blame my sister still using the family computer.

13. Capitalism Stole My Virginity- THE (INTERNATIONAL) NOISE CONSPIRACY

Ahh one of the best live bands ever! I'll never get to see Refused so it's sweet that I got to see them.

14. Worked Up So Sexual- THE FAINT

What is this even doing on here? This is the weirdest mix ever. That album was weird, but I definitely became a fan of them because of it.

15. 44. Caliber Love Letter- ALEXISONFIRE
Haha, back when people weren't embarrassed to be an AOF fan. I remember my friend played this as his favourite song in class once and no one knew who they were. Right when it got to the "This is a 44. caliber love letter straight from my heart!" bit, we yelled it across the room. The teacher looked scared/pissed. Oh, memories.

Monday, March 10, 2008

You gave me a beer in exchange for a cookie

The Breeders show was fantastic! The only downfall was that I went alone due to Matt's ID not being eligible.

Somehow I ended up being at the side of the stage, and I got closer as time went on. Both Kim and Kelley Deal looked fantastic and they were smiling the entire time. Kelley was quick to mention how nuts the crowd was for even being there. There was a HORRIBLE snow storm that day (and it continued through the concert and after).

It was their second time playing their new material, and it was great! Kelley sings an entire tune in Spanish.

Later on in the show they went through a whole slew of crowd favourites (No Aloha, Saints, Cannonball, Divine Hammer) and they even played their cover of Happiness Is A Warm Gun! I couldn't believe it. Hearing the original is impossible but it was amazing to hear this version live.

The lighting was horrible so the photos I took didn't turn out so well, but I got a few! (Click to enlarge)

SAINTS!!! (The beginning is cut off out of sheer excitement)

There were so many out-of-tune singers around me. It was awesome!

And of course, here's Cannonball

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Look, we all like to light the clouds on fire with our laser vision

I had imagined time would pass very quickly when I made the decision to move to London. I can't believe how fast it is approaching. The goal date is the end of July, and it's March already! It's about four months away now. It's a bit frightening, to say the least. That deep gut feeling of how much I will miss everyone here is beginning to set in. It is becoming very real now.